In response to the strong demand for Anglo-French bilingual education, the British Section has progressively extended its activities to five different sites in the neighbouring towns of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Le Pecq. British Section classes take place within these schools, three of which also host other international sections, providing a rich, multicultural learning environment.
See below for more information about our host schools.
Middle school Age 12-15 (collège) |
Access to the British Section host school network is provided for students through:
- a train network (RER) from Paris to Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Le Pecq backed by a public transport system of buses which operate from the RER station to the schools,
- a public bus service transporting pupils and students mornings and evenings from/to towns and villages around Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Le Pecq, and
- a school bus service which is operated by certain local communities where there is less coverage by the public bus service.
For more information about transport to and from our sites in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, please see the APELI (Lycée International Parents Association) website. For our sites in Le Pecq, please see the website of the public bus service.
Location map
Please click on a school for more details.
École maternelle Jehan Alain
4 rue Jehan Alain, 78230 Le Pecq
Tel: +33 1 39 76 66 15
1 British Section class in Grande Section (Reception/Year 1)
A few minutes walk from the École Félix Éboué primary school, the British Section has been operating a Grande Section Class (Reception/Year 1) in this bright, attractive nursery school since 1999, and established an active working partnership with our French colleagues. All the pupils attend the school on a full-time basis. The Section class meets twice a week.
The school day begins at 08.20 and ends at 16.20. Children may have lunch in the canteen or return home for lunch.
École Félix Éboué
3 rue de Seine, 78230 Le Pecq
Tel: +33 1 39 76 60 99
1 British Section class per year group
The École Félix Éboué, a friendly primary school situated on the banks of the river Seine, provides an exciting opportunity for children to follow a bilingual, bicultural education. With pleasant leafy grounds, the school has easy access to and use of the neighbouring sports fields and gymnasium. The British Section has been present in the school since 1988 and has established a close working partnership with the French teaching team. The school has 300+ pupils, of whom approximately 90 attend British Section classes.
There is one British Section class per year group from CP to CM2 (Year 1/2 to Year 6). British section classes from CP to CM1 have a class teacher and class assistant while CM2 pupils benefit from a class teacher and one of our skilled librarians to help the children with their library choices.
The classrooms are bright, lively places of learning and the children have access to a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. The children are fully integrated into the French school and have opportunities to take part in whole school activities such as an annual charity run and the end-of-year concert and school fête; as well as enjoying British section enrichment activities such as the CE1 pantomime, CM1 residential drama trip and the CM2 residential visit to Normandy.
The school day begins at 08.30 and ends at 16.30. Most of the children eat at the school canteen. There is no school on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Google map - Felix Eboue

Ecole Primaire Félix Eboué

Collège Pierre et Marie Curie
62 avenue du Pierre et Marie Curie, 78230 Le Pecq
Situated across the river from Saint-Germain-en-Laye, in Le Pecq, the Collège Pierre et Marie Curie is a state-funded collège (middle school) for boys and girls. Entirely rebuilt in 1998, it is a bright, modern building that caters for approximately 500 students. Of these, about 135 students are in the British Section. The school also has a Portuguese Section of some 80 students.
The British Section has been present in the Collège since 1981. We run two classes per year group, Bilingual and Fast-track, from Sixième (Year 7) to Troisième (Year 10), providing 4 hours of English language and literature and 2 hours of history-geography in English per week. The rest of the curriculum is delivered in French by teachers employed by the French Ministry of Education.
The Collège offers a variety of extra-curricular opportunities including annual visits to the UK and Germany, as well as field trips to the Auvergne and a residential performing arts camp on the Isle of Wight. The staff is enthusiastic, dynamic and sensitive to the needs of ‘international’ students. The Collège has a thriving library, a significant part of which is English language and run by a British Section librarian. The British Section Site Coordinator plays an important liaison role with the Collège, supporting pastoral care and helping to ensure smooth and effective communications between the Collège and the Section.
There are no lessons on Wednesday afternoons.
Collège Les Hauts-Grillets
10 boulevard Hector Berlioz, 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Tel: +33 1 30 87 46 20
A French, state-funded middle school for girls and boys aged 11-15, which hosts five international sections: Chinese, German, Italian, Polish and, since 1999, the British Section. The school is located a short walk from the Lycée International site.
There is one British Section class per year group from Sixième to Troisième (Year 7 to Year 10) which, like the classes on our other sites, have 6 hours teaching of English language and literature and history-geography in English per week. The rest of the curriculum is delivered in French by teachers employed by the French MInistry of Education.
Extra-curricular activities are numerous and varied, including many sports, a school newspaper, choir, nature club and Maths club to name but a few, and are held before and after school or at lunchtimes. The British Section also runs a lively debating club.
The British Section maintains a close relationship with the school staff and administration through our Site Coordinator whose role is to provide students with pastoral support, communicate to parents and teachers and promote links with French staff and pupils, as well as ensuring the effective operation of all areas of the British Section within the school. The British Section also employs an on-site librarian to manage our well-stocked library and provide pupils with individual advice and support to explore and extend their reading repertoire, and run a book club when possible.
The Collège Les Hauts Grillets is a small school with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. There are no lessons on Wednesday afternoons.
École élémentaire du Lycée International
2 bis rue du Fer à Cheval, 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Tel: +33 1 39 10 94 81
1-2 British Section classes per school year
With over 550 full-time and 700 externé pupils from Petite Section (nursery) to CM2 (Year 6) and home to 11 international sections, the École élémentaire du Lycée International is one of the largest state primary schools in France. It also offers a one-year French immersion course - Français Spécial - from CE1 (Year 3) to CM2 (Year 6) for non-Francophone children.
The British Section has been present at the École élémentaire du Lycée International since 1968 and has 1 class at Petite and Moyenne Section levels and 2 classes from Grande Section (Reception/Year 1) to CM2 (Year 6). Each class from Petite Section to CM1 has a class teacher and class assistant or shared class assistant to help maximise opportunities for learning in English during classtime. CM2 classes benefit from a class teacher and one of our skilled librarians to help the children with their reading choices.
The classrooms are bright, lively places of learning and the children have access to a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books in our library.
The school day begins at 08.45 and ends at 16.15. There is no school on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays.
Collège International
2 bis rue du Fer à Cheval, 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Tel: +33 1 39 10 94 65
The Collège International (middle school) is fully integrated into the Lycée International campus in Saint-Germain-en-Laye and all of the 600 pupils on roll belong to one of its 14 international sections. The British Section has is administrative offices in the school and our teaching staff and designated Pastoral Coordinator work closely with our French colleagues to provide a friendly and supportive environment.
There is one British Section class per year group from Sixième to Troisième (Year 7 to Year 10) which, like the classes on the other sites, have 6 hours teaching of English language and literature and history-geography in English per week. The rest of the curriculum is delivered in French by teachers employed by the French Ministry of Education.
There is also an on-site librarian whose responsibilities include managing and updating the English-language collection in the school library and helping children to explore and extend their reading repertoire.
The Collège International is a lively, multi-cultural school. There are no lessons on Wednesday afternoons.
Lycée International
2 bis rue du Fer à Cheval, 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Tel: +33 1 39 10 94 44
The Lycée International is located on a leafy campus in the grounds of the Château d'Hennemont in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. It is home to over 1000 senior school students (Seconde to Terminale or Year 11 to Year 13), all of whom belong to one of the 14 international sections. The British Section has been present in the school since its establishment in 1953 and has its administrative offices there. Our teaching staff and designated Pastoral Coordinators work closely with the French teaching team and other section staff to develop whole-school initiatives, activities and events that help to promote the international dimension of the school and to support our pupils' well-being and academic progress.
There are four British Section classes per year group from Seconde to Terminale (Year 11 to Year 13), which have 8 hours teaching of English language and literature and history-geography in English per week. The rest of the curriculum is delivered in French by teachers employed by the French Ministry of Education. A team of librarians from across the sections, including our own on-site librarian, provides a welcoming and studious environment for our students to undertake further research and personal study, and manage an international collection that is available to all students at the school.